
Krenkerups Arkiver

En enestående opdagelse i Krenkerups arkiver har afsløret, at der blev spillet polo på godset for 100 år siden på det samme område, som der bruges til polo i dag. Det menes, at ejeren på daværende tidspunkt Lensgreve Heinrich Curt Haugwitz-Hardenberg-Reventlow og hans bror Curt, der var gift med den amerikanske Woolworth arving Barbara Hutton, bragte sporten til Danmark og Krenkerup.

Paul Butler var en amerikansk arving, forretningsmand og polo spiller. I 1922 grundlagde han Oak Brook Polo Club, en af ​​de ældste poloklubber i USA og engang sportens epicenter for professionel elitepolo. Klubben tjente ligeledes som hjemsted for U.S. Open Polo Championship i 24 sæsoner fra midten af​​1950’erne samt andre prestigefyldte internationale og nationale poloturneringer.

Paul Butler vandt seks U.S. Open Polo Championships og fire Butler Handicap-titler.

Donald Turner er endnu ikke identificeret.


Having worked and played at some of the premier polo clubs in the world – I am proud to be associated with Krenkerup polo. This new and exciting venture which hosts the only full-sized polo field in Denmark has quality stamped all over it! The beautiful location and amazing field have set standards which will be hard to follow.

Andrew Murray

HPA Instructor

Having been involved with Krenkerup Polo over the last few years – I can honestly say that this new and exciting project has all the hallmarks of being a great success. The high standards, amazing facilities with a full-sized Polo field and the professional friendly approach to everything will firmly ensure their place on the world’s polo map.

Austin Clarke

HPA instructor & Recipient of the Royal Victorian Medal

The foundation of any polo club is often said to be having a great ground to play on. Krenkerup Polo has indeed got this but more importantly it has a heart and soul with the people driving it. It is already setting a standard with it’s beautiful setting, great ground and carefully selected and managed horses that will be unique in the world of polo not just in Denmark.

Eddie Kennedy

Level 3 HPA instructor and accessor

A polo field should have a well-manicured surface with a dense mixed sward. The sub surface should be a good friable soil to give grip and cushioning to the horse. I believe we are fortunate to have both here at Krenkerup. Also, as an added bonus the sighting of the field is amazing. Unique.

Frederick Glenn Gibbons

Sport Turf Agronomist








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Krenkerup ligger 140 km syd for København.